John J. Motil retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2003. He achieved the rank of Senior Master Sergeant after serving 21 years. He has worked in various F-16 aircraft maintenance positions in 9 duty locations, in both the U.S. and overseas. John has completed Rangemaster Instructor, Advanced Instructor, and Master Firearms Instructor and Development classes. He placed third in his Master class among 21 instructors. He is also a certified Rangemaster Defensive Shotgun Instructor. John is a Modern Samurai Project endorsed Red Dot Pistol Instructor. He is a Benefactor Member of the NRA and received his NRA Basic Rifle and Pistol Instructor Certification in 1991. He has run numerous ranges on military installations for base Rod and Gun clubs. He has actively participated in USPSA, NRA Action Pistol, and IDPA. He is also a certified IDPA Safety Officer and holds a Expert rating in CDP. He is a certified Glock and Smith and Wesson M&P Armorer. He has built both 1911 and AR rifles and is familiar with most modern firearms when it comes to troubleshooting and repairs. John has Colt M-16/AR-15 Rifle LE/Mil Armorer Training Certification. He has been involved with shooting and hunting in some form his whole life. He holds a B.S. degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.