Revolver 1


“Once again, I thoroughly enjoyed the class and think I learned a lot. (Snubby Revolver/Sub Compact) I hope to repeat the class in 2020.” – D. Reed, May 2019

This 1 day class is for any revolver shooters that want an introduction or to expand their capabilities with 5, 6, 7, or 8 shot revolvers, iron sights, or red dot equipped. We will cover checking zero with practice and carry ammo, reloading with loading devices or loose ammo, one and two-handed drawing and shooting, and finishing with drawing from concealment. Minimum requirements are a leather or Kydex belt holster and 3 or more speed loaders or speed strips. It is highly recommended that you bring your EDC (Every Day Carry) gear. Ammo requirements will be 300 rounds of ball and 24 rounds of carry ammo.

$250.00 Total Cost

10% Discount Active Duty Military or Reserve, Active Duty Law Enforcement and former FASTER students.

Email or text 937-901-6900 for a coupon code. ID required.

Ammunition Requirement : Minimum 300 rounds of ball and 24 rounds of carry ammo  (no steel core or steel jacketed ammo permitted)

Prerequisite: None

Class Times:  

Day 1: 9:00AM – approx. 5:00PM